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Trials and Research

The clinically confirmed Method since 1960

Mater Hospital, Brisbane 1995


To compare the efficacy of the Buteyko Method with conventional asthma treatment in a blind trial, researchers recruited 39 people with convincing histories of asthma and significant medication use.

After minimizing bronchodilator intake for one month, the participants were randomly divided into two groups, stratified by their daily use of inhalers. The control group was trained in conventional techniques by a physiotherapist, including relaxation, coughing, and abdominal breathing techniques. The 'Buteyko' group was trained by an experienced Buteyko practitioner.

During the trial, both groups were asked to only use bronchodilators to overcome asthma symptoms. Subjects were also required to maintain their steroid medication intake during the initial six weeks of the trial.

Buteyko groupControl group
Bronchodilator use at 3 months90% decrease9% increase
Inhaled steroids use at 3 months49% decreaseno change
Symptoms score at 3 months71% improvement14% improvement
Quality of life at 6 weeks54% improvement24% worsening

Table 1: Summary of the results

Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis, 2012

"Effect of Buteyko breathing technique on patients with bronchial asthma"


This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of the Buteyko Breathing Technique in improving lung function and reducing symptoms in patients with bronchial asthma. The study recruited 200 patients with mild-to-moderate asthma, who were randomly assigned to either the Buteyko group or the control group.

The Buteyko group received a six-week program of breathing exercises, while the control group received standard asthma care. The primary outcomes of the study were changes in asthma symptom scores and lung function tests.

The results of the study showed that the Buteyko group experienced significant improvements in asthma symptoms and lung function compared to the control group. The Buteyko group also showed a decrease in the dosage of inhaled steroids, which suggests that the Buteyko Method can be an effective complementary therapy to reduce the need for medication in individuals with asthma.

The Buteyko Method is effective not only for asthma but also for other respiratory conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and anxiety-related breathing disorders. Its potential benefits extend beyond the respiratory system and include improved sleep, reduced stress, and increased exercise tolerance.

Using the Buteyko Method as a complementary therapy may reduce healthcare costs by decreasing the need for medication and hospitalizations.

The New York Times, 2009

A Breathing Technique Offers Help for People With Asthma


The Buteyko Method has the potential to improve the health and quality of life of many people with asthma while saving healthcare dollars. The treatment is harmless if practiced as directed by a well-trained therapist. David Wiebe (a renowned maker of violins and cellos) had severe asthma and was treated with bronchodilators and steroids for two decades. After discovering the Buteyko Method, Wiebe was able to reduce his use of inhalers and improve his quality of life.

Patients are not told to stop their medications, but most have been able to significantly reduce their reliance on drugs. In controlled clinical trials in Australia and elsewhere, most diligent practitioners of the Buteyko Method had a reduction in the use of rescue inhalers by 90% and inhaled steroids by 50% within three to six months. The British Thoracic Society gave the Buteyko Method a "B" rating, which means that positive results of the trials are likely to have come from the Buteyko Method and not some other factor.

The Buteyko Method is an alternative asthma treatment that has been shown to effectively reduce medication intake. Although not yet widely accepted in the US, it has been taught in Russian medical schools for decades and is covered by insurance in Australia.

Sechenov's Medical Institute, Moscow 1981


The trial involved patients suffering from regular asthma attacks (once a day or more), with some of them being prone to asphyxia. The purpose of the experiment was to demonstrate the relationship between major symptoms (bronchospasm, cough, nasal obstruction, etc.) and hyperventilation. The patients were asked to undergo a three-stage hyperventilation test (developed by Doctor Buteyko in 1968).

In 1 to 5 minutes of using the method, asthma symptoms decreased or disappeared; patients experienced relief from tightness, wheezing, cough, or rhinitis. In the second stage, patients were asked to do the opposite: to breathe deeply for 15 to 60 seconds to provoke symptoms of asthma. They were then asked to return to the Buteyko Breathing Technique and prevent the onset of the attack independently.

If the patients did not recognize the relationship between hyperventilation and their disease, the test was repeated. The test was not conducted if patients used bronchodilators 1.5 to 2 hours before the test. Fifty-two children between the ages of 3 to 15 were observed for 29 to 84 days.

GroupNumberConsiderable improvementSome improvementNo improvementWorsening
Indoor patients3428 (82.4%)6 (17.6%)00
Outdoor patients1815 (83.3%)3 (16.7%)00
Total5243 (82.7%)9 (17.3%)00

Table 2: Results by patient type

Forty-three (83%) of the patients showed considerable improvement and nine (17%) showed some improvement; there wasn't a single patient that didn't get better.

The trial showed that:

  • The Buteyko Method helps to decrease the number and severity of attacks, as well as the dosage of medication.
  • As a result of this therapy, the indicators of acid-alkali balance and lung ventilation improved.
  • The method may be taught to children from age 3, both for indoor and outdoor patients.
  • It is most effective in acute periods of bronchial asthma in very ill patients.
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For over 25 years Buteyko Breathing Technique has been committed to helping asthamtics using natural, proven and safe methods.

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