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About the Method

The best training guide for adults and children

The Problem


Asthma is a disease caused by the inflammation and narrowing of small airways in the lungs. According to the WHO, it affected 262 million people in 2019 causing 455,000 deaths. It is the most common chronic disease among children, and is often under-diagnosed and under-treated.

The most common treatment for asthma is using inhalers that help open the airways or reduce inflammation. A recent study confirmed that over-reliance on reliever inhalers poses a risk of severe asthma exacerbation, which may lead to hospitalization and even death. Fortunately, medication is not the only solution.

The Buteyko Method (also known as Buteyko Breathing Technique) offers a clinically proven drug-free treatment for asthma. It significantly improves the quality of life for people with asthma and reduces their reliance on bronchodilators.

Asthma treatment illustration

The Method


In 1958-1959, Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko conducted his first clinical studies on nearly 200 people. They showed that many chronic health conditions, including asthma, allergies, and sleep apnea, were caused by over-breathing, which lowered carbon dioxide levels in the body. Despite initial resistance from the medical establishment, Dr. Buteyko's research gained recognition after successful clinical trials in 1968 and 1980. In both trials, the Buteyko Method had a 100% success rate in treating patients with asthma and related conditions.

This method stood the test of time: it has since gained popularity around the world and is used to treat a variety of respiratory illnesses.

"Thirty-seven years have passed since the time I found the cause of several of the most widespread diseases that belong to so-called "civilization diseases" (bronchial, cardiovascular, allergic, etc.). These diseases have one common cause - alveolar hyperventilation or deep breathing. It had occurred to me that a reduction in the depth of breathing or normalization of breathing may treat such diseases. An experimental study proved the validity of this presumption; more so, as it was based on the laws of physiology, biochemistry, biology, and other disciplines."
"...The essence of the method is to decrease the depth of breathing by willpower and by relaxation of breathing muscles until one achieves a slight feeling of lack of air. All mentally healthy adults and children from the age of three can use the method."

Dr. Konstantin Buteyko
"Buteyko Method: the experience of the implementation in the medical practice", Odessa, 1991

Take back control of your life with the Buteyko Method!

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For over 25 years Buteyko Breathing Technique has been committed to helping asthamtics using natural, proven and safe methods.

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